Annie of All About Services has an extensive and varied background in business management, retail ownership, administration, sales and customer service… making her a great choice, when needing a personal assistant. She can accomplish tasks for you efficiently with a common-sense approach, leaving you more time to enjoy the important things in life.
She will cherish your pets or care for your home as if they were her own in addition to helping with household and organizational projects. She enjoys working with people of all ages including seniors, veterans, children, new mothers, those just too busy to get it all done and those precious furry-family members.
With a keen eye for detail, experience with real-estate development, construction and having designed and built her own homes, Annie’s experienced and reliable and is insured and bonded for your protection and peace of mind.
Life is busier than ever for families, sole proprietors, single moms on the go, and retirees. Annie can run every errand imaginable… It’s impossible to list them all.
Whether you need a travel escort, someone to research your next trip, or reservation assistance, All about Services can help you plan your perfect trip.